The Bookstore
You can see my oeuvre (fancy word, that) at Blurb. I've also listed the works below individually so that you can get to know them a little better before purchasing them—if you are so inclined.
- Theater/Life: These essays explore how theater and life duplicate, explicate, and complicate the way we perceive ourselves and our roles in the narratives we call our lives.
- Volume 1: 1983: These were written during the summer of 1983, when I was teaching summer school. I gave myself the mythical job of writing a daily column of 750 to 1000 words.
- Volume 2: WEVO: These radio commentaries were done for WEVO, New Hampshire’s first public radio station, during the 1980s. I was lucky enough that the station manager liked what I wrote and offered me a gig as on-air commentator.
- Volume 3: Primarily from the 1990s, from my oh-so mature 40s, it is remarkable how many of the topics warm-blooded then are still warm-blooded today.
- Volume 4: Musings about turning 60, the power of home-base, the cosmos, float tanks, and other oddities from our human parade.
Full-Length Plays
- Volume 1: Amusing Ourselves To Death • A Question Of Color • On The Nature Of The Dark Matter...
- Volume 2: Esquina • Ain't Ethiopia • A Bright Gold Promise
- Volume 3: The Happy City • Hardball • Homeward Bound
- Volume 4: In The Name Of • When The Phones Came To Liberty Creek • Light. Fantastic.
- Volume 5: The Measure Of All Things • Meet John Doe • NEA High
- Volume 6: Pictures At An Exhibition • Prisoner A-7 • Dancing At The Revolution
- Volume 7: Seven Ladies Macbeth • Shea Man • Time Lapse: A Fugue Of Sorts
One-Act Plays
- Volume 1
- Click: When Marlin reveals to Pinto what he did in the park, it changes their moral universe.
- The Most Dangerous Woman in America: All Emma Goldman, all the time.
- Let Down The Rains: A cab ride from New York to Vermont is really not that long a drive.
- When The Phones Came To Liberty Creek: In 1999, Liberty Creek, a rural “unincorporated territory,” gets phone service, and change is wrought by a dial tone.
- Melts Into Air: A middle-aged man loses his job, and he and his wife decide to fight back.
- Volume 2
- Mine Eyes: A PR flack working for the American white militia struggles to re-join a world he's done much to damage.
- Poly X: Polyxena was the last sacrifice of the Trojan War—a play about anger, mayhem, and sport.
- Samaritan: The parable's question—“And who is my neighbor?”—gets an answer.
- Another Seascape: A riff on Edward Albee’s Seascape.
- A Senior Moment: Jewel, Darcy, Salvia, and Seeromanie, all in their sixties, wonder why Chantelle, also in her sixties, is looking good these days—too good.
- The First Day Of The Seventh Month: A healthy man decides he has six months left and lives as if that were true.
- Volume 3
- The Sin Eater: A mother accused of child abuse for taking nude photos of her son takes jail time rather than admit any wrong-doing.
- A Round Of Slaughter: An exiled playwright returns when her government turns democratic, but a former slaughterhouse doesn’t change overnight.
- Still Small Voice: A writer, Robert Walser, comes to the end of his latest literary production.
- Stimulus: Survivalists kidnap their political representative to buy him out so that he'll work for them directly.
- The Business: Would Jesus ever have been a CEO?
- Volume 4
- Termagant: What’s a Quaker super-hero to do when evil comes to town?
- To...Or Not...: A pro-lifer and pro-choicer have some things to say as they cool their heels in a police van.
- Translation: A linguist-for-hire translates a journal for a woman written to her by another woman.
- When The Military Bears Its Breast...: Carver returns to the land she defended doing her tours. It is not a place that has a place for her.
- Meet John Doe: A Radio Play: A radio version of the 1941 movie directed by Frank Capra with a screenplay by Robert Riskin.
- Volume 5
- The Patron Saint Of Geeks: Bobby and Chad, tormented as “geeks,” contemplate equalizing the situation with their tormentors.
- The Way: Aviva Matthews studies Lao-Tzu’s “The Way” to see if there is a way to end violence.
- Translation: A linguist-for-hire translates a journal for a woman written to her by another woman.
- The Real Temple: All of life is a journey through a slightly wacky King Arthur-world—bet you didn’t know that.
- Macbeth’s Children: So many children die. Why?
Short Plays
These plays run from five to 45 minutes in length.
- Volume 1: Captain America in a taxicab to speed dating to how our devices love us and how we love them back.
- Volume 2: The philosophical digressions of the bulls at Pamplona to the origin of zoos to when clean water came to New York City.
- Volume 3: Senior porn to a new use for drones in romance to slipping into a painting.
- Volume 1: Ain’t Ethiopia • The Sunlight Dialogues • By The River
- Volume 2: Shea Man • Georgia’s Miss Baby • The Nun Drops Her Veil
- Volume 3: How Do You Like Your Blue-Eyed Boy • Click • Downsize • Equal. Separate. • Glory Train • Hold On • In The Fort • Everything’s Jake • Tips • Touching Down • The Letter
- Ain't Ethiopia: After whites lynch his wife, an African-American man goes to Spain in 1937 to fight Franco—only to find that he must face down the home-town fascists who murdered her if his life, and his wife’s death, is to mean anything.
- When Darkness Becomes Aware of the Light: From a world exhausted by its own pride and ambition, a new world is born.
Short Stories
- A Small Town and Other Stories: The first group of stories are the interconnected narratives of a fictional town in upstate New York. The rest are collected from across the years and range from Mexican ice cream with cayenne pepper to the deep history of glaciers.
Works for Children
- A collection of a poem about the alphabet, short novels of adventure, and fantastical plays.
- Collected Poems: My poems, many of which have been published, try to infuse the ordinaries of life with a sense of the extra-ordinary: stones in a truck bed, the skeleton of a blue jay, an apocalyptic neighbor.
- Photoessays: Two long-form essays—“The 1922 Mill Strike in Manchester, NH” and “The Moving Wall” (about Vietnam veterans)—are accompanied by my photos.
- Selected Journalism: A compilation of articles, essays, interviews, and opinion pieces from a long résumé as a freelance writer and photographer.